Comedy and French Farce are Sugar's forte'...but she has made all types and styles of movies.. comedy.. drama.. adventure.. industrials.. commercials etc. Asked about lessons, drama classes, and coaches for actors preparing she said "Be very careful about choosing a teacher.. not just any one who puts up an ad in a show biz paper will do.. an actor can waste a lot of money and time and get into very bad acting habits! Dancing and Diction classes ARE very important. ..Going to acting classes year after year..doing scenes (but not on a professional status) can be a huge waste of time, money, and energy. Community or College theatre in front of an audience is a good thing.. but just memorizing scenes to do in class with just any actor who is there.. I think should be limited. The time is better spent doing exercise.. studying biographys of famous people (not just actors)...and NOT getting in a position to learn BAD acting habits and cliche's. The natural talents and abilitys are the most saleable. Each individual is a special unique creation ONE OF A KIND. The freshness of this individual personality not the mob mentality is what is important. DO..DO..DO and don't just talk about doing!"